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Saturday, July 31, 2004

Couldnt sleep very well last nite... cos veri nervous abt later on in e nite... Its e nite... Woke up at 3am plus then 6am plus n now chattin to dear...
Goin to the ball tonite then followed by a FORED KTV... wonder how it will goes...
Dear now tokin to me abt his sir who owns lots of expensive watches.... rich guy....
Shit.... now dear tellin me abt socialising wif his sirs and partners. hate this. hate hate hate. dun like dun like dun like. i duno how to do it. stresssssed..... I hate makin small talk.... awwww.... OUCH*
dun wan tok liao.... i goin to grab sthin to eat and then go for my appointment... damn e rain ... better stop now... NOW NOW NOW.... Haiz... hope tonite wouldnt be tt cold... and everything goes well........

7/31/2004 09:23:00 am

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Its been so mani days since i updated my blog... Goin to vomit all out into this temporary memory base...

Lemi think....

25/07/04 Sunday

Attended the commissionin parade wif Yuefen. Shawn's parents came to fetch us. Instead of havin his sis, Samantha wif us in the car, its jus Yf and me and his parents. Cos Shawn's gd fren, Ah boy aka Edwin went too.. and he drove Sam and her grandmas there... A nice chap... humourous and Hiong in his driving too.... faintz..... hahaha... Shawn's parents were quite friendly. Both tried to make conversation. Felt quite at ease... at least more at ease than i thought i would.... His mum puts pple at ease i suppose...=)

Anyway the parade was magnificent... grand... quite comfy sittin there too... hahaha... Grand stand leh... no joke... hahaha... Got a hard time catchin him on e camera... zoom till i think the photos sucks... haha.. Anyway it was a joyous occassion.. Shawn shouted so loud when it was his turn to receive the sword... =) Can feel the joy and excitment dear felt. Esp when his parents changed the "rank" for him... caught him on camera... emotionally charged... hahahaa.... Saw the part whereby the officers all threw the caps... Wonderful sight... all grinning widely...

On the way home, whilst ah boy went to fetch the car, yuefen and i saw TZ lee.. he performing for the dinner which dear and his parents were attending.. see him in tt costume so funi...opps...  Proceeded to Jurong pt for dinner and some shoppin b4 headin for home...

26/07/04 Monday...
Supposed to be on leave today... hmmph... but my colleague goin china so swooped wif her... Met dear for dinner after work... So nice to be able to meet him after work... Dreaming of yrs later.... awwww.... hahaa... fa hua chi.....

27/07/04 Tuesday...
Met dear again after work.... hahaa... So happi... But was i was sick... Sore throat so a bit blur... Went home after work first cos dear not yet ready to leave camp... In e end i jus reached home at 620pm when the dear said tt e show is ard 640pm... We booked tics for brotherhood... Luckily dear remembered the timing wrongly... it was actualli 655pm... managed to catch it in time afterall... Saw his sir at the BK... Anyway the show was great... touching... i was cryin a bit and dear tot i flu... hahahaa..... he didnt realise i cryin... lucky.... hahhaa... Went home wif red and swollen eyes... sekali pple tot he bully me...

28/07/04 Wednesday...
Veri sick at work... my hands so cold i scared my colleague... So after work, i went to see the doctor... dear was so sweet... he came over to accompany me... the sore throat made my ear pain... and he said its infection n the doc will give me antibiotics... True enuf.. i got the antibiotics and several other types of medicine... sian... $32 leh... lucky can claim... On the way home, we saw a guy and tt guy smiled at us.... Yuan lai he is Shawn's junior... aiyo.... everytime go out wif him sure see pple he knows one... Under my blk also can... aiyo.... Bumped into my auntie too.. she went to see doc too.. she sprained her back... aiyo... we so suay...

29/07/04 Thursday....
Actualli i haf MC... but i must go work lah... cos i know got a problem case of Bankers Guarantee.. Must go and solve else my cover kena again... ke lian.. Anyway not workin the next day liao... so mood a bit lighter... Went home wif Ginelle aka Shiyun... I referred her to the branch to work... we toked a bit.. nice feeling... Dear made me a bit angry today... Perhaps i was feelin cranky again.. I dun like pple to promise one thing and not do it... But actualli it wasnt a big issue.. so duno why i angry... maybe more of the fact tt i cant meet him today ba... he invited frens over to his house for mahjong.. Mahjong again... a game i hate... So  i spent the whole nite in front of the PC... chattin to Jeffrey and Alvin... scanning the forum and mails... downloadin the commissionin parade pics... blah blah... writin this blog... so bo liao.... nothing much to watch on tv... No.. i shldnt say tt way... Actualli is i nowadays no mood watch TV... hard to sit still there and finish a show.. duno why... got problem le... Ya i tried my gown again and mum made some alteration... Duno leh... duno if i look nice in the gown or not... goin shop wif yf and jas again tomolo... last min shoppin... faint faint faint.... bag or no bag... bag or no bag.... faint.. faint...faint....

7/29/2004 09:03:00 pm

Sunday, July 25, 2004

The day has finalli arrived.... Hehehe... Its Sunday 25th July 2004. Shawn's commissioning parade at SAFTI MI. His parents will be coming over wif his sis to pick me and yuefen up. Better pray i wont be late. Feverishly praying it wont rain today... else all of us wil be real disappointed....... Shawn asked me to put the "...." for him.. but i guess it wont be good.. cos his mum is putting the other side for him. I told him its better for his dad to put the other side for him too. After so mani times of hinting and saying, its finalli been decided. His parents will be putting it for him. Less stress for me too. hahaha..

This weekend seems short too. Shawn went to pick me up after work and i went home to change. Then we went to town and AS USUAL, we saw his frens. In fact 3 of em. 3 couples. hahaha... ALWAYS. Finalli bought the shoes. I quite like it. Was still contemplating on whether to wear it later....... hmmmm....... better not... lalalala....


7/25/2004 11:10:00 am

Friday, July 23, 2004

Sneezed 5 times continuously b4 i typed e first word.. hmm... lucky no one saw me... hahaha... always get funi looks when i start my continuous sneezing act... I cant help it mah.... my record is 15 times... or issit 18? forgot... haha...

Today friday lo.... hehehe... finalli weekend is approachin... can meet dear tomolo and on sunday dear will be sooooo happi....... its commissionin parade for him!!! =) Received a email from him today... so sweet... gave mi a shock...

Today is the last day WY frm grp audit will be at our branch. She got to go back and prepare her findings... haha.. a funi feelin.. she got findings from my work but i dun feel much.. cos i know i didnt fail in my compliance as far as i m concerned.... I wasnt aware of so much things and now i know more... Will miss her... She's so funi...

Wanted to jio Yuefen n Jas out for some shopping today... But had to check for Variances.... sian.... so stayed back in office... nowadays seems to be leaving later n later....... BO BIAN....

Nothing to write le... TVTV... duno nice show or not... hmm... Bye journal.... Update u again...


7/23/2004 09:23:00 pm

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Dear..."I Say So!!!" hahhaa... haha.. jus a private joke...
Today been quite a buzi day... As always lah... Rushin em for the trades... haiz... if ey dun give me how m i to vet it and submit for approval? bu yao wan wo le lah....
Pei pei come in le... Reminds me to write to Cousin Joyce, who is workin in China now n earning Big money... Quite successful leh.. admire her... her guts and daring nature in work aspect... Goin to write to her tomolo... cos now veri tired le... haiz... procrastinate somemore....
Shawn's mum msg me jus now... so nervous... hahah... she ask me abt shawn's tie and how's my shoppin for shoes and bag goin... so nervous sia.... nice lady.... BUT I M STILL SCARED OF HER!!!! hahahaha....
Went to CO forum jus now... ey got some conflicts... duno how to comment also... haiz.... sthimes things said of good intention can be interpretated so wrongly by others... esp those who view the speaker wif coloured eyes... Shldnt they seek first to understand and then be understood? Cant they put emselves in others' shoes. And some morons haf to add in fuel... kns... and cant some pple stop posting lame things? if u got no comments, dun comment. dun comment jus because u wan to feel like u r Wise... duhz.......
Nite journel....

7/22/2004 09:40:00 pm

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Hmm... my eyes are hurtin but here i m strainin at e screen... updatin... haha... personal resolution to update it as frequent as i can... ***HoPEfUllI***

Today anor BZ day but i had a great laf over tt bitch. She called up today and her voice was EVER SO POLITE! *PUKES*. And followed by a call supposedly to say that the vouchers i sent in e template had already been issued. Toilet paper must be covering her eyes... It was indicated clearly that those in yellow had been received and she need onli sent those not highlighted. She dared to call and i suppose complained that she wont be issuing the vouchers. HaH! Wat pleasure i felt when she read out loud the email to FINALLI REALISE she had misread the mail. How poor her eyesight mus be... Failing her i guess... HMMPH!!! Donkey! ***PUKES***

Hmm.... feel so much better... hahaha...

Dear called me again last nite i think... Use the word Think cos i feel that subconsciously he called... but i cant remember wat he said... hahah... I was so asleep that I must be mumbling to him... But at least this time i know subconsciously he called... Unlike that day whereby he did call and i answered him... but the next day i woke up w/o any memory of him callin. Onli realise when he told me the next day... Oppss....

Today is wednesday... ONLI... I wish that the time will pass faster... i want my weekend.... But ironicalli, i feel that i TIME NO ENUF at work... so mani things to do and so little time... WORKIN LIFE.... HAIZ.... =(

A colleage had jus submitted her resignation... sets me thinkin... hmmm....

7/21/2004 09:34:00 pm

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Went to work feelin veri sleepy... chatted wif dear till veri late... ke lian him... tired but still managed to call me and find out abt my day... so sweet of him... Think of him havin to wake up like 5am so xin tong... haiz...
Work was a disaster..... for the second half... Called up tt bitch for my vouchers and tt bitch actualli had the decency to say she didnt receive the template from S. Was so upset!!! Nvm i call pdt owner myself tomolo. Tt bitch! She shall suffer from a diarrhoea tomolo.... !@#$%^&* Moronic imbecile bummer bitch!!!! Shldnt haf let myself be so irritated wif her words... but she was too much! She isnt the one facin the cx. We are. Curse her.... Cursing her.... Cursed!!! Duno who is the impolite one. No wonder even the auditors know abt her... seems like her low down reputation plagued the organisation. Someone shld get rid of her!!!
Shawn jus called. He saw e sms i sent earlier "i goin to kill pple".... and he called... but he had to go down for debriefin so will call again... haha... got someone volunteerin to be blasted wif my whinning and scoldings and complaining and cursing.... Ke lian ren wor.... hahhaa....
Tomolo is Racial Harmony Day... Pei pei aka Rachel says its "Rachel Harmony day!!!" haha... so cute.... I Love her.... I love my cousins.... I love u.... hahaha.... cranky mood again.... Nite blog!!!!

7/20/2004 10:04:00 pm

Monday, July 19, 2004

Received a call from office.. sthin cropped up... hate the feeling... hate the feeling... HATE THE FEELING!!!!!!!!!!

7/19/2004 05:40:00 pm

This is my second attempt at bloggin... Hmm... hope this time round my blogs will be updated frequently... haha...
Feeling veri sian today... as usual... Plotted leave today jus so that i dun haf to face Monday BLues.... Somehow i know i cant escape Tuesday Blues.... Isnt it irritating how monday blues can realli spoil ur day? Will go to work wif a damn smelli face... being late and having to catch a cab... cursing a specific bummer in office as always... Well... perhaps not urs... more for mine... so poor me and lucky u.... duhz....
Saturday was spent feverishly wishin that my dear can make it on time for our Moscow circus trip.... He was held up in camp... so ended up wif me bringin my cousin yenling to the performance. It wasnt that bad... The rubberman was soooamazing i jus kept squirmin in my seat... The jokers were real funni... haha... and the acrobats were amazingly strong and graceful in their jumps and leaps... bulldogs playin soccer was cute too... But i hate the segment of the lady n the horse... looks like animal abuse to me... simply refused to look nor clap. This, yenling agreed wif me... Hmmph! the dancers were so pretty too... their figures so woah!! Shawn shawn... u missed out on this... hahhaa.... Day ended wif dear pickin us up for prata and then home... luckily this time round no accidents... hahaha... rite dear?
Went out wif my dear yesterday... went to Tampines to shop for shoes... I hate this.... Goin out wif the intention to buy a specific thing will end up having a fruitless trip... Spent the afternoon tryin on some shoes and hahaha... i brought him to see my dad... We ate there and shawn went to collect the food... Can see my dad smiling.. can see dear smiling... and i was grinnin like mad....... hhahaa....
Proceed to the library to help shawn wif his valedictory?!?  speech.... Was phrasing and rephrasing till i got the feelin i was back in Poly editing project.... Woah... scary and enjoyable.... was cursin the laptop too... the chinese han yu ping yin jus kept auto changing... dear was so fed up too... haha... cute.... only when the batt fails then did we left the cold library.... Brrrr...
Always hate the feeling when sunday evening comes... the time whereby he has to rush back to camp... faster commission lah.... aiyo.... remeinds me of the commissioning ball... urrgh... hate the fact we haf to sit wif his sirs.... i dun mind sittin wif vincent they all.... but why his sirs?? faintzzzz....
Woke up early this mornin to send my relatives to the airport.... sleepy.... finalli.... no more queuing up for the bathroom... slept till noon after tt.... now surfin net.... dun feel like goin out at all... had a weird dream last nite... sigh.... these days... nightmares of pple i look down on.... weird pple.... hmmph... stimes the way pple do things is so childish.... heck care...
Wat a lengthy post.... haha.... okok continue to rot...

7/19/2004 03:12:00 pm


Jacqueline or JacLin ??? =)


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JacLin Wong

Loves: family, dear, friends, meow mee, bebe, bebe no.2, dumbo, puppies, a good read, sleep, kites, rainbows, watermelon, good hair days, non-pms days, good skin (haiz), good coffee, tissues, peace, romantic comedies, blog-hopping, nice nails, good company, shopping, pple-watching, massages, scalding hot soup, dad's western soup, mum's chinese soup, dear's hugzzz ^-^

Hates: Lizards, flying bugs, irresponsibility, backstabbers, pple who cant keep their hands to themselves, sorethroats, ibs, bad hair days, bad skin, fats, pimples, thunderstorms, rain when I am outside, the fear of falling/slipping down, back pain, dirt, mud!!, my nervousness, red/green pepper, ladys fingers, moronic imbeciles (pple I define under this category haha~)

Wishlist: More clothes, More shoes, pass for my exams/projs/assignments, a better paying and fun job, a trip to Taiwan with dear, love ones to be happy & healthy, new Watch!!!, home makeover!

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